Monday, April 25, 2016

Reality vs the endless loop of the construct. Step #50

Reality vs the endless loop of the construct.  Step #50

Often when individuals advance on their course of self awareness, expectation sometimes obscures the reality of the moment. To clarify, it is a common oversight to assume that forward motion forever transforms the actions and circumstances of life, and its pathways and pitfalls. Further, the fault, if one can refer to it as that, is not so much in the reality of the moment, but in the construct that our actions have conditioned us to act within. Early in the course we covered extensively how our actions created that construct, we then learned how we could manage navigating that construct, now we must insure that we forever remain cognizant of the differentiation, in situations, between the construct, and the reality of the moment. How to retain the balance and harmony in our lives between the two variables here is key in strengthening our individual identity, but not at the expense of our integrative social experience.

We also have covered how cumulative occurring events can often colour our perception of circumstances in a negative light, that is the reality, reacting to the cumulative prompt is reacting to the construct, and not the reality of the moment. We must be careful not to paint the construct in a solely negative light, but to see the construct for what it is, and that is, a set of defined, through experience, memories that have triggered a probability pathway intended to be used as a recognizance variable, but not as a course of action.

One facet of the construct is, as mentioned above, nothing more than life's experiences being played through a filter of assumed probable outcomes. When we err is when we allow or confuse the role of the construct as operating outside ourselves, when in reality it is an internal mechanism exclusively.  Simply put, it is a conditioned behavioral response that if imbibed with emotion can colour a response that is not consistent with the reality surrounding it.

Understanding the nature of the construct is a lot like understanding the nature of self. Just in the same way we can unknowingly build a self image that is destructive to our growth or quality of empowered being, the same error can be made with the construct. We can also by not distinguishing between the cumulative psychological elements of the construct that have been formed by our life experience and the external reality of the moment, unknowingly act in destructive ways. Again awareness is the key, is the solution.

A good way to see ourselves is as a universe within a universe. Many selves within a self, within a society of selves. Our goal is to have a quality life that expands and affirms our being and at the same time brings quality to the society we inhabit collectively. The construct is, in its simplest form, the arena of the many selves, the key is to separate noise in the halls, from the reality surrounding it.          

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