Friday, December 28, 2012

99 steps to reclaiming your individuality Step #23

Singularity:  (snggy-lr-t)

n pl -ties
1. the state, fact, or quality of being singular
2. something distinguishing a person or thing from others
3. something remarkable or unusual

Three very astute and accurate definitions. Three we are, one we will be. Since time eternal man's quest to understand his true nature has been orated, documented, and postulated, and  then critiqued criticized and condemned equally as fast. The common thread? Society. We are indeed, individuals, it is only when we integrate into the society around us that the individual that we are, finds itself conflicted, obscured or plainly absorbed by the integration. So how do we survive the transition and maintain our singularity? One simple word: "Awareness"  For some, it is not that they willingly capitulate, that causes them to lose their authorship, that we have learned must be maintained to be in control. It is most often the case that simple repetitiveness or complacency surrenders the authorship autonomously on our behalf, and then overtime the abnormal state becomes the norm, and we slowly surrender authorship to the whim and whimsy of the prevailing nature state (emotions). And the result? Worst-case, a conflicted individual, that fails to integrate into society nor finds peace within themselves, and at best an individual that toils obscurely as just another cog in the wheel of existence.  Neither of these states were we intended to occupy, neither of these states do we have to be.

In all honesty it is practically impossible to give a concise directive as to how one maintains a level of awareness absent of the influences that the natures (emotions) exert on us. Even on the most disciplined observer, it would be folly to suppose such a state is possible. Our purpose is not to achieve such a state, but to acknowledge that a return to a "state of awareness" or "neutral state"  is the correct action to undertake in order to resolve a lapse of reason, and return to a state of authorship, which in the realm of the individual, we could consider it "our true magnetic north". What we need to stress in our undertakings is not infallibility, but reflection and correction.

If we could again digress to the  principle of singularity. Do you remember a time, most likely in childhood, when you had constructed a reality distinctly your own? Think, that magical make-believe-world of your imagination. The place where for every invention, how ever constructed, that when-ever you came to an impasse --- you simply created a workable solution. You must re-create that scenario now. When we left the make-believe world of our childhood and integrated ourselves into society we cast-off this notion, we were told evolution and advancement required it. True, we had to trade the intangible world of make-believe for the tangible world of career and responsibility. But we may have also accidentally abandoned that rich resource of creative problem solving that saw us always finding a solution to the obstacles our fantasies provided us. This resource we have to reclaim or revitalize.

This world (our society) conditions us to a gospel of omission, when ever anything goes awry. We must supplant that with the new paradigm of submission, that is, not ourselves submitting to the authority of the nature-states (emotions), but of us, through our inherent problem solving capacity, exercising authority over the nature-states and having them submit to us.

Our reclaiming of the realm of singularity in thought will not alienate us from society, but will in a matter-of-fact  rejuvenate our experience and integration in society. We will soon see that societies were never intended to be subjugated hierarchies, but in fact lateral relationships. There are indeed stations of higher authority but these are met with equal higher authorities for equal tasks. At this point we would wish to take a step back, for this goes far beyond our focus in this course. You will indeed see these relationships unfolding the more you approach this course in earnest, but these will be fruits of your new or re-found awareness, and many more awakenings to follow.  Oneness in thought, through the rich resources, that flood our senses through the singularity of an authored self.       


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