Tuesday, December 11, 2012

99 steps to reclaiming your individuality Step #17

The Temporal illusion of time:

Each one of us was born at a time, will live for a time, then pass on out of time. Time is the grand illusion, our entire lives beginning to end, curtain rise to curtain fall are its willing and sometimes not so willing captives. A lot of conflict arises when we attempt to posit, ponder or contemplate life without its restraints. This shouldn't be. Time simply is, and is not! When we can finally accept that, then we are free. Individuality poses the same paradox and the same dilemma Created by an exchange of energies, which originated in a stream of energies, which causal nature is said to have occurred from a single energy. The rhythm of life.

Who are you? When did you, become you? What you, chose the attributes that constructed the you, that is you? And is the you, that you are, the you, you wanted to be, or is the you, you are, the you , you are supposed to be? And if so who determined you to be it? The you that is you of course. As humurous a display of linguistic word play, that, that was, it is well worthy of a little reflection. In life we have been conditioned to address the tangible with more authenticity and credibility than the intangible, why? Because we are sense primary logicians. But you might ask, "If this be true, then how do you account for the predominance of supernatural assumption that still goes on in the world today? Quite simple, The them that is them, or the you that is you, thought that there must be more. To reclaim what we once had, or to claim what is ours, we don't have to change our beliefs. Nor do we have to adopt new beliefs, we just have to accept that if something comes along, and it is unknown to us, are we willing to accept it. When we do this, time no longer becomes our keeper, it becomes our teacher.

How can a teacher that teaches nothing, teach? A valid question, and one you must consider wisely. What is the definition of learning? To gain knowledge of something, that up until that time we had little or no knowledge of before. What are the prerequisites to gaining that knowledge?  Willingness, inquisitiveness,  and allotment of time. I will ask the question again; Who are you? Take as much time as you need now, feel free to use the above variables of willingness and inquisitiveness. feel free to take as long as you wish. then finally... Feel free!

Now back in step five it was asked of you to construct a list of what you felt were the elements of your inquisitive nature state. How many of those elements did you  reaffirm in this exercise, how many additional  ones will you add now. This is your true inquisitive nature state, and quite incredible isn't it! The potential that was always there, the ability that was always there, the part of you that was always there, waiting for you but to ask to assist. And it is there in us all, because the you that is you, is quite remarkable indeed.

If on the other hand the exercise left you confused or frustrated, we have work to do. Because discovery is always a positive motion. We will now see that we have a blockage in the free flow of our nature states. And we will also know now that it is easily repairable. For if we seek to understand the inquisitive nature state, and we know that this is done in the realm of the neutral state, if we are not accomplishing our goal, then where is the issue arising? The hesitant state. And since we have a list of the emotional states that arise from this nature state, which one is the impediment? The miracle that usually occurs here is that the simple act of discovery, most time will clear the blockage. Try it, you have time.


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