99 steps to reclaiming your individuality Step #11
Unmasking the behavior of natures:
We tend to have a paradoxical understanding of our natures. On the one hand we have no conflict discerning the difference between emotional traits, intellectual pursuits, or physical desires. But when it comes to the administration of these traits, pursuits and desires (natures), each one will have their own opinion on the motivational functioning or reasoning of them, and the rational dispensing of their outward manifestation in our daily lives. Now it is true as previously mentioned, that we, each of us, are uniquely wired, but with respect to the formation of our intrinsic natures, we are very much the same. We previously used the analogy of all possessing the same operating system, and as a purely vanilla wrapper of sorts, this fits well.So if we continue to use this example, we find our lowest common denominator when expressing our functional behavior, as being the result of a set of responsive reactions to an equal set of stimuli, and those responses correlating to a stored sub-routine of conditioned behaviors (natures). How do we validate these behaviors, so that they develop into what we express in this project as natures? I think the easiest and best example to use is the algorithmic structure of the search engine. In its simplest function a search engines ranking is based on a simple rule, "That the more people who search after a common object, and find that common object in a specific location, that specific location will tend to be the most accurate or suitable one."
And the way we store and hierarchically order, authenticate, and prioritize the sum that we will form as the basis of our natures will be aggregated in a similar fashion. This purely mechanical truism should not be rejected because of its apparent simplicity. What we are seeking to do in this experiment, is to unmask the shrouded complexity of years of layered conditioning, that we neither want to, at this time, criticize or condemn, reject or approve, but merely expose. And in the instant that we can accept the methodology by which our natures are conditioned, then, not only can we make any corrections necessary, but most importantly we can easily acknowledge when attempts are made to force this conditioning on us by external influences.
The complexity alluded to in regards to the forming of our existing natures, make no mistake, will not be an easy task to unmask. What we are approaching to do is set aside every preconceived notion of what our fabric as an individual is, (in our current state of awareness) and stand as an outside observer, and examine its foundation. This is why it is critical not to embrace any notions of undertaking any reparation at this time. Neither is it wise to set aside any faith-based, long-held beliefs, or convictions how ever formed, on the preemptive discoveries you are about to unfold. This is not about abandoning oneself in favor of another, but of uniting the many selves in a newly empowered self awareness.
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