99 steps to reclaiming your individuality Step #7
Rest, true rest, is a somewhat of a perplexing paradox on our journey. It has been what seems like an insurmountable struggle to regain our momentum, and now finally in motion we are asked to rest. But the rest we are seeking today is not the rest of the body, nor of the mind, but of the self against the notion that it is under attack and must keep vigil or face defeat, subjugation or annihilation. Awareness of our true nature requires a tremendous effort and conviction within the realm of self,but it also requires a surrender of our perceived self to that which is our true nature. If this all sounds a bit too esoteric for your liking, accept our apology, but unfortunately there is no other way that one could describe it, the aloof simplicity will make absolute sense to you as you surrender more to your true nature and not the illusion that has been built up to mask it.Many writings, in many cultures, in many epochs, since the dawn of man have spoke of this rest. This, as is the case with all, is just a reiteration of that truth.. Not new, could never be, because that would associate it with the illusion of time, and time has no meaning for the soul. Today we would rest from the notion of being in control. In its most simplistic example, today, when your environment dictates that you should respond in such fashion, [as you normally would] pause, and motion your true nature to reveal the correct response to you. There are no magic words, no mantras, no implements no ceremony, just rest. The results may vary from individual to individual. for some the chaos of thought, will be too much to bear, for some the scrambling of the natures will seem like the scrambling of individuals out of a dangerous situation. and for some the promptings of those same natures will precipitate a capitulation.. If any of these do occur then congratulations the operation was a success, and the patient will live.
If we are ever to gain control over a situation, we must be sure that we have control over ourselves. We cannot do this by vigilance alone, nor discipline, nor stamina,. these all fall with in the subordinate realm of our natures. What we need is the rest offered in the neutral zone spoken of earlier in step #5. When we put this into practice in our everyday lives, we will begin to see a change in our lives. Today we will rest in calm assurance that what every crosses our path has a solution because we are now aware of what we have and which necessary action is required..
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