Wednesday, July 17, 2013

99 steps to reclaiming your individuality Step# 42

The pendulum moment part two:

The courage to fail  has been a running challenge throughout the course. Accepting  guiltless self-forgiveness also is a crucial step. But it itself walks a razor's edge, and must not be taken for granted, for this would be not only self defeating but also grievously detrimental to our growth.

We must begin to approach life as though we are actors showing up for work on a weekly scheduled program. The script will be handed to us, and it will be our task to review it practice and rehearse it, then give our best performance of it, on stage, when the director yells "Action".  Who writes the script? "Life events", and how we respond is our role as the actor. We complicate and fabricate a plethora of emotional and intellectual window dressings to obfuscate this truth, but our victory comes when we simply agree to play the role. How is this even remotely individual in nature then? As confusing as it sounds, the path to individuality is in accepting the truth that we are all one. My individuality begins when I agree to fully acknowledge  yours, but also understand that what separates us is a life centered schooling, and we educate ourselves when we agree to interact with each other.

Reoccurring shortcomings, repeated behavior traits that constantly haunt us are very damaging to our progress. We solidify these encumbrances when we fail to immediately dismiss them and move on. And unless we resurrect an unconditional grace in this respect, we leave ourselves with no plausible escape mechanism. And this shroud of repetitive guilt soon becomes a ball and chain preventing us from moving upwards in evolutionary harmony.

Progressing past this step with earnest conviction is a paramount leap in evolutionary thinking. If you have mastered this then you are well on your way to achieving individual liberty. If you find yourself falling short of conviction when approaching the state of guiltless realignment, you should not let this impede you. simply accept the gift in full knowledge that at one point in your upcoming future you will fully grasp not only the paramount importance of this step, but also the conscious awakening of the energies that are here to educate our many selves when we are willing to acknowledge ourselves as the administrator of  them. Scene 42, take one... action!.          


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