Tuesday, December 1, 2015

99 steps to reclaiming your individuality Step# 49

The perilous quest for change: #49

 Another of the great paradoxes on our journey to self , is our ceaseless struggle with striving for change, yet yearning for sameness. Its momentum, is like that of a pendulum, in that, when we exact the change we desire, then we soon long for the for the accustomed familiars we sought so desperately to be liberated from. This could become emotionally exhausting, but if approached in an observer state regiment, like we have been offered as an alternative to our old way of understanding, then we can better comprehend our motives and motivators.

For this step we have to look more closely at the antecedent not the act. Paradoxes deconstructed, represent what exactly? The logical acknowledgment that an act or action may be true or false at the same time, but credulous in their capacity to engage in a higher intensity of understanding. No greater acknowledgment for the usefulness and credibility of the observer state can be found, I'd say. Now armed with this understanding let us view our paradoxes with a clearer understanding.

It has been often opined that the path of least resistance is a nominal if not preferred choice for the masses. It's the old "bodies in motion tend to stay in motion and bodies at rest tend to stay at rest" parallel being played out on the psychic plane. Motivation on the other hand is a choice, and as is the case with all choices, all contain an element of risk. Risk demands ownership, and the the antithesis of risk ownership is denial or justification. So simplistically it is almost as if we are pseudo-wired for indecisiveness or second guessing our decisions. Simplistically that is, and individuals and our lives are seldom simplistic, but we must always remember that in between simplistic and complex is a wide margin, and it is in that margin wherein we will find our best capacity. We will make choices, those choices will meet with circumstance and will merit a result. we will sometimes control the variables, and at other times be in control of a variable and others variables will be out of our control. This is an observation, there is no indecisiveness to observing, but when the observer is paired to the individual making the decision, the decision making process takes on a whole new clarity, and with that clarity, risk is greatly diminished.

One more example of the value of observation, one step closer to the self we would wish to reclaim.
