Friday, April 25, 2014

An interim reflection 

Ordinary people under extraordinary pressure. How many people would you say that applies to these days? I'd say that it applies to just about anyone faced with the pressure of providing for a family these days.

I never grew up in such a corrupt world, I never bore the burden of being pressured by circumstance to yield my liberty, my core beliefs, cross the boundaries of what I had determined to be my comfort zone. I grew up in a much better place. I grew up when ethical malfeasance was the murky waters where high rollers charted for high stakes, after all high seas were for high rollers.

Then the trickle down started, soon there was little that separated the high stakes players from the common man., except one variable the pay off. There is none for the common man. Asked now to participate in a culture of corruption, manipulation betrayal and deceit, and if loyalty to self is abandoned in favor of the system, you live marginally satisfied, marginally sustained and marginally compensated. I grew up in a much different world.

I think the challenge for today's culture is more of an introspective recovery than a societal one. Societies are built on the core ethics of what individuals believe to be the right thing to do. Until we return to those values, change will only ever be the superficial window dressing it is now. We need the change that liberates souls, we need the change that dominates an individual, not the one that placates them.

We are also conditioned that life has an ebb and flow, this too has been manipulated in today's culture to more reflect a macabre game of musical chairs. Where will you be when the music stops? What if you were in charge of the number of chairs there were? What if you reinvented the game, what if? I can say with out any reservation that the future can be radically altered if everyone is willing to participate in that alteration. But in order to do that you must first reestablish your connection with self, the self that knows inherently the right things to do. Be that manifestation and soon it will manifest itself in a future that your children can look forward to, not a burden placed on them to restore.

Just thoughts inspired by watching another great work of fiction, that's not very far from the truth.